Sunday, February 28, 2016


Jellyfish are elegant, graceful and a deadly mystery. Like their airy beauty and the ballet their are dancing underwater.

So tonight it was a peaceful drawing just to remember to take things lightly and to enjoy the beauty of life.

A4 Black
Color pencils

Time to blossom

Time to blossom

Wanted to paint something fast and to try the wet on wet.
So here is my tree!

Spring is coming and it's the moment to say goodbye to the past, to the heavy blankets of shit and enjoy some sun and unexpected surprises!

Time to blossom
10,5 x 15,5 cm

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Mood Indigo

Mood Indigo
I've met a bird that sings of you,
Simply, beautifully, tenderly
With lyrics that makes me blue
Cause they say "I love you."

Like the original version from Duke Ellington as I'm a fan of Jazz.
It's often the music that can keep me company when I draw.
This time, both Tony Bennett and Ella Fitzgerald have my preference. His voice is pur velvet and hers make me want to cry.
I will let you choose what is working best for you...

Cause some nights are just too crazy for words, music speaks better and louder...

Going in circles

Going in circles

Need to break mines 
Too heavy with memories
To fly again, be free
And let you rest and be happy.

And i was in company of Misguided Ghosts from Paramore.

Sometimes drawing circles is good to relax and can be a good background. Used once for creating some wood impression. Long but nice outcome.
But this time, it was just to kill a bad mood. :-D
That's why I draw too...

A4 - Blue pen

Book Cover Designs by Matthew Goodman

Browse more than 500book cover designs and listen to more than 50 of today's top designers discuss their process for creating the perfect book cover. Award-winning creative professionals fromaround the world have applied astonishingly clever cover concepts that playslyly on titles and themes of international bestsellers, both classic andmodern, adding new dimensions to the books and breathing new lifeinto bright ideas.

Literature lovers and graphic illustrators of all types, aswell as book design students and professionals, will relish thisinspiring collection of covers of fiction and nonfiction, history and sciencebooks, novels and short stories, from old favorites to popular 21st-centurytitles.

For future designers looking for inspiration, as well as hopeless coverlovers, Book Cover Designs is a must-have design reference for any collection. Feelfree to judge these books by their covers.

As an avid reader, I'm attracted by covers at lot.
If I'm just browsing books at the bookstores or the library without any specific tittle in mind, most of the time, it's the cover that will pick up my curiosity and make me read the summary.
And as a professional, I know the power of a good picture combined with words. That's why I was curious about this book and what the author has to tell us.

It's a very simple and effective book that let a large place to the book designers. And it was cool to spot a book, I have read, and have some informations about the designer and how he/she is working.
Also interesting to see that for some designers, I was drawn into their art, sensibily and world regardless of the book. I would have easily picked all their design and be curious about the story.
So, I've learned also a lot about me as a reader just by learning about cover design.

Interesting book for the lovers of design and books.

The Author
Matthew, a graphic design professional, has worked in book design and covers for more than ten years. He lives with his wife, Christy, and their two sons.
His work can be viewed at

*Arc provided by Edelweiss
I received this book in exchange of a fair and honest review.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

My sex is killing me!

To share with you a bit of my day, imagine somebody in need of a strong coffee, who almost put her feet on a very long penis drawn on the floor. :-D

Then, more drawings in front of the coffee machine with the words: "My Sex Is Killing Me"... :-D

And of course, on the coffee machine... "You don't know what there is in my panties"

Let me tell you that is a very original way to reflect about life, sex and the transgenre issues!

Tomorrow is the big exhibition and the end of the 4 workshops. Can't wait to see what the students will come up with.

Especially when the one managed by the graphic designer, Valérie Yobé, from Ottawa is already full of surprises.

And don't get me wrong, even if I was smiling while drinking my cup of instant coffee, I'm very amazed by their way of expressing their views on the transgenre problem.
I really like this school and these crazy students!!!

Monday, February 15, 2016


Today at the school I'm doing a mission for, it's the beginning of a week of workshops.

4 international graphic designers have started to work with the students on a project. At the end of the week, there will be an exhibition.

It was very interesting to meet all these talented creators from Canada, Germany, Poland and Ecuador. All have a different vision of their art but they all want to share and connect with the new generation.
Here are some of their work:

Henning Wagenbreth, illustrator from Berlin.
He works on stamps, books, posters and has a very colorfull personal style.

Agnieszka Ziemiszewska, Poland
She is a graphic designer and works on typo and ambivalent posters. She is also a teacher at the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology

Pablo Iturralde, Ecuador
Probably the one that i was the most impressed with. He has confessed that the school in South America, for studying the design, are not very good. And in Ecuador, most of the designers copy the style they have learned in the U.S. So it's complicated to find an "Ecuador design style".
Pablo has decided to search and to learn what was really behind the old design and their meanings.

He is a great creator of logos and has done a lot of them for companies, as well as posters for festivals, movies or music industry. But his agence is known to have created the logo of Quito, Ecuador's capital, as well as the direction signs of this Incan city.

This graphic designer is also known to have thought about the symbols of the Ecuador's flag.
 Very interesting guy!

Valérie Yobé, Ottawa, Canada
I don't have much of her work to show and I'm very sorry, as I was taking notes. This french woman has immigrated to Canada and has become a great engaged graphic designer. She is interested in social design and art. She works for causes and want to share her social view of design. It's inspiring and touching. She has developped the association Tribu Grafik.

She has also developped a project in the movie industry between Cuba and Quebec called Cinégrafismo. For this project, she has made 6 film makers from Cuba and 6 from Canada to work on a common idea, as well as 6 designers from both coutries also. They have crowfunding the project and made a book of this amazing collaboration.

She will work with the students on the transgenre theme. Because we are a society that is transmuting and changing.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Hiding pin up style

Never stop having fun and be silly!
Because life can be hard sometimes and you have to face tourments, trying to focus on joy, on a smile and of something small that will make you feel good...That's enough!

Being playful, sharing a great laugh and being just you is sexy!
Have a great day!

Bottle of love

Watercolor/color pencils

Since I'm not living in an AngloSaxon country, Valentine's Day don't have the same symbolism for me. It's a commercial event and I made fun of this celebration every year, especially when I see men in lines at the flower shop to buy a single rose. Rolling my eyes

But this year I've decided that we all need a hug, a kiss, a smile, a nice gesture, hot passionate sex or some conforting words just because life is not always nice.
So today, I'm sending you a bottle of love.

My drawing is childish and I like it for this reason. Because love has a different shape and dimension for everybody.
I don't believe in big gesture or big declaration.
scare the shit out of me!

I believe in the power of a true smile, of a genuine concern, of a good belly laugh, of blushing, of buying my partner his favorite brand of yoghurt, of really listening to someone.

Of love not always being enough to last but being enough to have great memories.

Of love being in a caress, in a sexy wink or a sexy hips swing, in being confortable with yourself and with someone else.
In taking care of you, of others. Of sharing your time and be present for someone. Of not trying to be right but to just be there.

Recently, I've remembered that being happy is already enough. There is so much joy around that chasing one or two manifestations of love is silly, when there is so many ways to enjoy being in love with life.

Nope, I'm not drunk yet. I'm just happy to be able to serenade all of you with my bottle of love!
Have a great loving day or a great sunday!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Smiling Donkey!

Stubborn, impatient with people that are not kind, not bright or cruel, my donkey friend is also the most curious and strange person I've ever met. :-D
Able to support you without judgment or make you see life with a different perspective just by telling you a tale.
Someone very worth knowing that is infuriating but shows people a kindness and an openness that are rare gifts.
This animal is the perfect description!

Wisdom, rebirth and changes

This past two weeks have been hard on me and I wasn't able to find some time to draw. Today, I woke up wanting to draw a Buddha.

Probably because I'm asking myself a lot of questions that cannot be answered immediatly. These are confusing questions that requier  being able to face the truth and not only the knowledge behind a concept.

So I thought drawing a Buddha will help me find some peace and act like a way to meditate.

Then, the lotus was because I wanted a colorful flower to go with it. And Lotus are usually associated with asian religion.
Funny that the meaning of this flower is beauty and piruty as well as rebirth and spiritual enlightenment.

As for the butterfly... Every time I'm facing a major change in my life, a butterfly will be in one of my drawing. :-D

Pencil - Color Pencil - Watercolor

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Scool Exhibition

 There was an open house day organized at the school I'm doing a mission for.

Art students, who are studying here for one or two years, were showing off their work. Mostly sketches on live models or made at a museum but also a lot of creative projects.

I was very amazed by the quality. Imagine what they will be able to do in 3 or 4 years when they will be graduated with a graphic design master?

I really like this new generation!

They are talented, engaged about Syria, ecology, food issues and of course they draw about sex. :-D

Monday, February 1, 2016

Monday Storm

Monday Storm

I woke up to the sound of pouring rain
Abundantly washing the ground behind my curtain
I listen to the elements arguing through my windows
Not wanting reality, I bury my face in the pillows
What is this silly humidity rolling out of my eyes?
Am I cleaning my soul out of your memories?
Of empty promises and alluring sentences?
Of cold indifference and supposed acceptance?

The wind hiss fiercely outside not happy 
Of being forgotten in the middle of this insane party 
Like water, his powers can heal or damage
This morning, Aeolus is at war, out for carnage
Inside, my thoughts and feelings keep their swirl
Of what if and why... They roll, they whirl
Never mind asking, answers are locked in silence
I’m tired of your absence or compelled presence

The storm is passionate, loud, angry
As I can be
The nature likes harmony
You had my loyalty, my amity
In a minute, the weather will change
Same for me
White clouds will tell new stories
I will thank you for all our memories 
Before wishing you a sunny journey
New stars to light your wild odyssey